August 15, 2022 1:03 pm

Elizabeth Redd

Why Your Blog Needs a Blog Disclaimer

How to write a Good Blog Disclaimer: Responsibilities do not end with just creating a blog. You need to add components to maintain the blog.

And a blog disclaimer page is one of those mandatory segments of any personal or business website. So, what is a blog disclaimer page if you want to know all the details?

What is the purpose? And why is a disclaimer page necessary on the blog websites? Read on to know more.

But first, let us discuss essential elements to include in a blog disclaimer page.

Popular Blog websites must always include a disclaimer page to avoid legal troubles

How to Write a Disclaimer for your Blog

Major Components of a Blog Disclaimer Page

Each blog website has specific requirements. So, it is not at all necessary to add everything. However, some of the mandatory items are –

Disclaimer Notice

Being correct all the time requires intensive studies. And that is how things should be. However, science and belief are changing every day. Hence, posting the correct information is difficult even if you want.

Furthermore, owning a personal or business blog needs more accuracy. But when such diplomatic theories arise, blog owners avoid the lawsuit with a disclaimer notice.

Such notice is written in a compact short passage, informing the users and readers about their responsibilities to cross-check the facts given to their circumstances.

And if the facts were proven wrong, owners are not responsible for that. And no lawsuit can be taken against that. However, putting a disclaimer notice does not ensure legal protection.

Copyright Notice

Above all protecting original works of authorship is the main motive of copyright notice. Once content is published, and the author claims it, no one can use the content.

If anyone uses the content without consent, that individual will get a copyright notice.

The website will get an infringement notice or Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) if anyone violates the copyright.


A website gathers personal data from users to do business. The personal information can be of anything, such as name, email address, phone number, etc.

Mainly this information is used to identify an individual user. Along with that, it includes Google Analytics and automatic cookies to track users' data.

However, this data may land the website in big trouble if not handled wisely. So, you must include a few things to avoid any legal disputes.

Personal Information

If your website needs someone's details, you must let your users know which information you are collecting. Basically if that information is going to any third party, you need to explain under what condition that happens.

Children's Privacy

Under any circumstances, you cannot retain data from anyone under 13. And if you do so, you need to explain how you will remove the data. You must mention on your website that you are not collecting data from children in that age group.

Email Marketing

If the website runs through email marketing, the website must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. With that, the website should add an option to unsubscribe from the website and how users can do that.

Cookie Policy

Websites need geographical locations and IP addresses to identify individual users. However, the website must ensure that the users know about the collected information. For that, the website must add a separate cookies policy or may integrate that into the privacy policy.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

According to GDPR, you need to let people know about some of your rights and information in the privacy policy. Without it, one may have to pay a fine.

Third Party Privacy Policies

For running third-party advertisements, the website needs to dismiss liabilities. Even if linking external links to the website, it requires a third-party privacy policy for that website.

These are some of the most frequent privacy sections of a website. However, things may differ depending upon the genre and motive of the website.

Terms Of Use

Maintain the electronic commerce regulations, and each website needs to add terms of use. It ensures that the website is clean and all the collected information on user-generated content is used positively without disobeying the law.

In another way, it helps to protect your intellectual property.

Write a Disclaimer page for your blog

Lady writing a Disclaimer for a Blog

How to Write a Disclaimer for your Blog

You can set up the disclaimer page with a few simple steps.

  • All things considered choose your preferred free disclaimer generator.
  • Select where the disclaimer, such as a website or app, should be used.
  • Add the information on your website or app. Futhermore you will need the website or app URL, name, entity type,
  • Followed the information, specify the country and state.
  • Answer all the questions relevant to your website or app.
  • Enter the registered email address where the disclaimer will be sent and select the generate button.
  • And the disclaimer page is ready.

WordPress Disclaimer Plugins

Add Terms of Use Page to Your WordPress Website

If your website is on WordPress, you can easily add terms of use page. Follow these basic steps to add the link to your website.

  • Choose a website or app from WordPress. You can also select both.
  • Answer the relevant questions about your website or app.
  • Answer questions related to your business.
  • Add the email address where you want terms and conditions to be received.
  • You have successfully added the feature to your website.

Write Effective Blog Disclaimer Page

Using WordPress disclaimer tools won't just work. It would help if you wrote the disclaimer precisely. Because it is an easy process. Just follow the lead.

  • Explain terms of use and that the information the users are getting needs to be verified at their own risk.
  • Make it clear that the available content falls under copyright issues. And if you use material from other sources, give the source credit.
  • Hold harmless by stating that the available content is just for entertainment (except legal, medical, and professional services).
  • Make it clear through the privacy policy that their data is not being misused.
  • Reserve rights to your blog by stating that you can change, sell or modify it according to your need.
  • Make it clear that you are not responsible for the advertiser's or sponsor's actions.
  • Inform your users where their sent letters are going.
writing a privacy page, disclaimer to protecting yourself as a blogger

writing a disclaimer, privacy page, and terms of use to protect yourself as a blogger

Blog Disclaimer, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy

Because you are protecting yourself as a blogger, do you need to create all three pages?

Terms of use. Think of the terms of use page as letting your blog visitors know how to act. Besides it sets the tone for your blog.

Privacy page. The privacy page tells your visitors how you use their data if you collect it. Also, if you ever decide to add Google AdSense to your blog to make money, they require a privacy page.

Blog disclaimer page. You will not be held responsible for any incorrect information on your blog.

The purpose of creating your blog in the first place is to be used by the people who access the blog for different purposes.

The choice to use the blog is tantamount to accepting the blog's terms and conditions. As the blog owner, you can update the terms without prior notice to users.

Also I suggest you create a separate Terms of Use Page and Privacy Policy if you want a more in-depth page on your blog. Link to those pages in your blog. Disclaimer page.

You can use a privacy page generator such as this one:

You can use terms of service page generators like this:

After all be it copyright, views expressed, or professional advice disclaimer, you must keep the disclaimer page in top-notch condition to avoid legal suits. And adding these sections to your blog from the beginning will keep you safe in the long run.

So, there you have it, "How to Write a Good Blog Disclaimer, " to help your profit. There are a few good tips and information, from having the right tools to having the right mindset for running your marketing endeavors.

These tips will have your marketing efforts paying off, and you will probably wonder why you did not take this on sooner.

I hope this information can be a useful starting point for your Blogging.

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I also use Affiliate Products and links on my blog posts and pages to Build my Business.

So, as a matter of fact one of the biggest questions in online marketing is how to monetize websites and blogs to make and embrace Online Blogging.

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About the Author Elizabeth Redd

At 50 Plus Blogging, it's my Mission to show you how to build a community of trust, respect, and relationships by providing tried and tested marketing techniques that help to promote leadership and business growth.

Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am committed to giving my best and positively impacting this site. Connect with me on Facebook!

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