January 3, 2022 6:14 pm

Elizabeth Redd

A/B Testing for your Marketing Emails

A/B testing, better known as Split Testing, is an experimentation process of sending different variations of the duplicate marketing emails to different segments of website visitors at the same time to determine which version of the campaign performs best to drive maximum business.

 Email marketing automation tools

Using A/B testing in email marketing tools

Thus, A/B testing available in automated email marketing software allows a business owner to understand how small changes in the same email campaigns can vary with their impact and compare the results to deduce what works best for the particular product or the business.

The standard terms associated with A/B testing are 

  • Variable is the element on which each campaign varies like "from the name," "Subject line," "Content," and "Send Time."
  • The Combination is the variations of the variables used in different campaigns
  • Test time is when the variations with different combinations are sent out to various website visitors, data collected, and results compared. This test phase used to determine the winning Combination automatically in bulk email marketing software
  • Winning Combination or the winner is the best performing campaign that generates maximum revenue with an increased investment return.

A/B testing allows the owners to optimize their products through data-backed results, thereby eliminating all guesswork, so it helps to produce the perfect product that your customers love.

Benefits of using A/B testing for your Email Campaigns?

Improve email campaign

A/B testing essentially allows the business owner to engage their customers

A successful business is to create value for the customers, and A/B testing essentially allows the business owner to engage their customers with the following:

  • Improved Content as A/B testing helps a final version improve the open email rates.
  • Reduce Bounce Rates
  • Increased Conversion Rates with better ROI from existing traffic
  • Ease of Analysis among different versions
  • Useful in Low Data Rate Testing can quickly give the winning Combination
  • Increased Sales and Reduced Cart Abandonment by eliminating the guesswork on different factors used for the product sale
  • Solve visitor pain points where the customer's behavior patterns can be determined
  • Redesign to increase future business gains by tweaking minor elements to have a more significant impact on potential customers

List of Email Marketing Tools with best A/B Testing feature

Almost all the automated email campaigning software has built-in A/B testing features, but the best five among them to have robust A/B testing features are as follows:

  1. Mailchimp has a built-in A/B testing tool with an advanced multivariate testing feature. The software can send each Combination to at least 5,000 subscribers at one go and has many A/B testing features to optimize the email campaigns for maximum ROI.
  2. Activecampaign provides Split Testing, which is very simple to use. Users can test on five criteria as Email Subject lines, Content, information, images, and call to action, and up to 5 campaigns can be compared at one time.
  3. Hubspot provides a free A/B guide and testing kits for the marketing initiatives to help you with user experience, design tests through managing different variables.
  4. VWO has a great A/B testing feature with great visuals and code editing options to build custom target segments across all levels with heatmaps and click analytics.
  5. Mailerlite is simple yet cost-effective than most of its competitors and can be used efficiently for lead generation through its uncomplicated A/B testing tool.

Testing features is an absolute necessity in an automated mailing system. It gives an edge to the business owners and ensures that the promotional emails are performing their best in reaching out to the target audience.

So, there you have it; “Which system has the most robust A/B Testing Feature" to help you profit. There are a few good tips and tidbits, from having the right tools to having the right mindset for running your marketing endeavors.

These tips will have your marketing efforts paying off, and you will probably be wondering why you did not take this on sooner.

I hope this information can be a helpful starting point for you in your Blogging.

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One of the biggest questions in online marketing is how to monetize websites and blogs to make and embrace Online Blogging.

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About the Author Elizabeth Redd

At 50 Plus Blogging, it's my Mission to show you how to build a community of trust, respect, and relationships by providing tried and tested marketing techniques that help to promote leadership and business growth.

Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am committed to giving my best and positively impacting this site. Connect with me on Facebook!

This community is worth learning from and embracing the power of 50 Plus Blogging.

Warm regards,

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